Master Builders employs apprentices and trainees, and places them with tradespeople and builders known as Host Employers. The apprentice or trainee receive their on-the-job training for their apprenticeship or traineeship with the Host Employer and attend a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for their off-the-job training.
Master Builders is the legal employer of the apprentice or trainee. This means they are responsible for:
- Meeting the obligations of an employer of an apprentice or trainee as defined by the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001.
- The recruitment of apprentices and trainees.
- Ensuring apprentices and trainees are placed with a suitable Host Employer.
- Providing a safe working environment for the apprentices and trainees it employs
- Assisting with the arrangements for off-the-job training with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and assisting with the completion of training plans.
- Monitoring and providing support to both the apprentice/trainee and the Host Employer.
- Paying wages, allowances superannuation, insurance, and other employee entitlements.
- Managing the administrative and contractual arrangements and paperwork of the apprenticeship or traineeship.
The Host Employer is responsible for:
- Providing on the job training consistent with the Training Plan
- Providing appropriately qualified supervision in line with the Master Builders Guidelines for Supervising an Apprentice
- Releasing the apprentice/trainee from work during working hour to attend/undertake RTO training
- Participation and contributing to the workplace assessment of the apprentices/Trainee
- Providing a safe working environment
Master Builders invoices the Host Employer for the hours the Master Builders Apprentice/Trainee works on site.