Thinking of becoming an apprentice? You’ve come to the right place.

Master Builders NSW is the heart of the building industry.  We are here to help you become a quality apprentice or trainee. 

Want a career in building and construction?

Want a career in building and construction? There has never been a better time to start or continue your apprenticeship or traineeship. Here is all you need to know about becoming a Master Builders Apprentice or Trainee. 

What you need to get started

* If you do not have a driver's licence you can still apply but this may limit your employment opportunities. *If you're located in the Hunter Newcastle region, please contact (02) 4979 0170 or email mbagtp@mbagtp.com.au.

The Benefits

Earn while you learn
Receive a nationally recognised qualification
Great work-life balance
Flexible training options to suit your lifestyle
Industry growth and job security
No student loans

Equal Employment Opportunities

Master Builders Apprenticeship Service is committed to the principle of merit and equity by ensuring that all applicants are selected under the guidelines and principles of Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) and Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace (EOWA) Programs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

An apprentice is someone who trains for a career by working under the supervision of more experienced workers. It includes on-the-job training combined with formal training for 3-4 years.

To be the safest and the best apprentice you can be. You will be supported every step of the way.

A Group Training Organisation (GTO) employs apprentices and trainees and places them with Host Employers such as tradespeople, builders and contractors for on-the-job training in their trade. 

The GTO is the legal employer of the apprentice or trainee. This means the GTO looks after:  

  • Obligations as an employer of an apprentice or trainee (as defined by Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001).  
  • Recruiting each apprentice or trainee. See Recruitment page.
  • Making sure they are suitable for placement with a host employer.  
  • Arranging the placement with the host employer. Making sure the learner starts within the terms of the Training Contract. 
  • Ensuring that the details of the first host are in the Training Contract.  
  • Arranging the formal training with a registered training organisation for each apprentice/trainee. This includes working with the RTO and host employer to develop and renew the training plan.  
  • Checking each potential employer is suitable to host an apprentice/trainee and ensuring they understand their responsibilities as part of this arrangement. 
  • Monitoring and providing support to both the apprentice/trainee and host employer. 
  • Paying wages, allowances, superannuation, insurance and other employee entitlements.  
  • Completing all associated paperwork.  

Master Builders Association of NSW Pty Ltd (Master Builders) operates a registered Group Training Organisation (GTO) for trades within the Building and Construction Industry.

Tradespeople, builders and contractors within the Building and Construction Industry. Many of whom are within the Master Builders network.

The Host Employer looks after:  

  • providing employment and on-the-job training for the apprentice/trainee. It must be consistent with the apprentice/trainees’ Training Plan.  
  • providing appropriately qualified supervision. It must be at a level reflective of the apprentice/trainee’s level of experience.  
  • providing a safe work environment free from bullying and harassment.  
  • releasing the apprentice/trainee from work during working hours to attend/undertake formal training and assessment.  
  • participating and contributing to the workplace assessment of the apprentice/ trainee.  
  • informing the GTO if there’s any issues with the performance or attendance of the apprentice/trainee. 

A Master Builders Field Officer.

You will be assigned to a dedicated field officer who will mentor, train, recruit and support you as an apprentice. The Field Officer will visit you at your worksite and is also just a phone call away. Always call out if you have any safety concerns.

You can study the CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry at the Master Builders Education Centre in Sydney’s Norwest. The qualification is delivered by Master Builders Association of NSW RTO ID 6163.

For other trade qualifications as well as Carpentry, you can also study at your local TAFE NSW campus.

Each Master Builders Apprentice receives a full Personal Protective Kit (PPE) upon commencement.

The kit contains the following items;

  • Backpack
  • Hard Hat
  • Safety Glasses
  • Ear Muffs
  • Gloves
  • Dust Masks
  • Ear plugs
  • Carpenters Pencils
  • Cap or beanie
  • Water bottle
  • Hi Vis polo shirt


As an apprentice you will need to be prepared with for class:

  • Steel capped boots
  • High vis workwear
  • Toolbelt
  • Tape Measure
  • Claw hammer
  • Builders square
  • Pencil
  • Utility knife

Most work sites are not near any form of public transport. It is important that you have your own form of transportation. You could be working at 1 job site for 3 months or 12 months. The job site could be located anywhere around Sydney. We prefer to match our apprentice with host employers where there is a project being built in their 40km radius to reduce travel times.

The General Construction Induction (White Card) course is a mandatory entry level safety program for the building and construction industry. You cannot step foot onto a worksite in NSW unless you have the White Card. The course focuses on how to work safely and effectively on a job site or construction environment. You can enrol into the General Construction Induction (White Card) training course at our Master Builders Education Centre. The White Card is issued by SafeWork NSW.

Master Builders Association of New South Wales is the leading building and construction association in NSW. As a not-for-profit organisation we are at the heart of the building industry.

Through our registered Group Training Organisation (GTO), we provide Apprenticeship Services that connect apprentices of many trades with our network of Host Employers. Master Builders have a unique Pre-Apprenticeship Program with a holistic approach preparing you to become the best quality 1st-year carpentry apprentice. Carpentry apprentices can strive to achieve their goal of a carpentry trade qualification (CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry) at our Education Centre located in Sydney’s Norwest (Baulkham Hills).

  • Earn while you learn
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • Great work-life balance
  • Flexible training options to suit your lifestyle
  • Industry growth and job security
  • No student loans

School Leaver Apprenticeship Program

Thank you for your interest in our Master Builders Programs. By filling out this online form a Master Builders recruitment team member will respond within 48 hours.

Register Your Interest to Offer Work Experience Opportunities

Type of Work(Required)
Size of Company
Do you Currently Employ Apprentices(Required)
Have you had Work experience students in the past?(Required)
Reason for your interest in work experience placements?(Required)
Preferred Time of Year(Required)
Are You a Member of Master Builders Association?(Required)

Ready to talk now?

We will get back to you within one business day

Master Builders Programs

Thank you for your interest in our Master Builders Programs. By filling out this online form a Master Builders recruitment team member will respond within 48 hours.


This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between Master Builders Association of NSW Pty Ltd, ABN 11 074 397 532 (MBANSW) and you.

MBANSW is the registered Group Training Organisation and Apprenticeship Services arm of Master Builders Association of New South Wales, ABN 96 550 042 906 (Master Builders)

“You”, “your” and “Host Employer” refer to you, your company and business nominated in the table below.

This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between MBANSW and you.

Direct Debit Terms and Conditions

  • Your nominated account or credit card will be debited weekly for hosting a MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee.
  • The first debit to your account will occur within 7 working days of the MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee commencing their placement with your business.
  • If an invoice payment is due on a non-business day, it will be debited from your account on the following business day.
  • Host Employer account information held by MBANSW will be kept confidential. Please note that some information is provided to the MBANSW financial institution to initiate the debit to your nominated account.
  • MBANSW will give you a minimum of 14 days’ notice in writing of changes to these Terms and Conditions.
  • If you wish to make changes to this arrangement, please contact MBANSW on (02) 8586 3533.

Your responsibility in this arrangement

  • Ensure that your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this).
  • Ensure there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account on the drawing date.
  • Advise MBANSW in writing if the nominated account is transferred or closed.

Please note that if your payment is dishonoured by your financial institution, a re-draw will take place within 7 days.

Any transaction fees payable by MBANSW in respect to a dishonoured payment will be added to your account.


Please direct all enquiries to MBAS (02) 8586 3533 or apprenticeship@mbansw.asn.au;

Please include your phone and email address.

I/We authorise MBANSW to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our nominated account at the financial institution identified below.

This authority to direct debit will remain in place in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.