Master Builders Apprentice of the year award winners 2022!

The Master Builders Association of NSW Excellence in Construction Awards is recognised throughout the industry as the hallmark annual event for the commercial, industrial and civil engineering sectors. The Awards celebrate outstanding achievements by companies and individuals in the NSW building and construction industry. For nearly three decades Master Builders has been recognising the most outstanding Commercial Builders in NSW for their construction excellence.

As part of the awards, we also celebrate the best apprentices in the industry. The Apprentices of the Year winners were announced at the event held on the 4th of November 2022. We are delighted to say that three of the four awards presented on the night were taken out by our very own Master Builders Apprentices. “We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of Brandon, Frankie and Hannah” says Master Builders General Manager Jody McGann “These awards are hotly contested throughout the industry, and it is a real credit to these three apprentices, their Host Employers and the Apprenticeship Services Team at Master Builders.”

We are proud to congratulate three of our apprentices for their award wins.

Brandon Wood, Apprentice of the Year – Stage 3
(HELM Pty Ltd)

Brandon won the Master Builders 2021 Apprentice of the Year Award for 2nd Stage Carpentry Apprentices and is back this year to claim the winning award for Apprentice of the Year – Stage 3.

He has continued to impress with his outstanding work ethic, his solid communication skills, his initiative, and his eagerness to learn everything he possibly can about construction.

Brandon’s eagerness and commitment began back when he was still at school, where is sought out and gained workplace experience with HELM during each school holiday.

Since commencing his apprenticeship, he has gone from strength to strength, not only undertaking his apprenticeship studies and managing a full-time position with HELM but also been undertaking his Certificate IV in Construction at TAFE.

“Brandon’s passion for construction, willingness to absorb information, desire to get involved, and constantly push himself to excel is to be congratulated.” Mark Monk, Director of HELM Pty Ltd.

Frankie Kelly, Apprentice of the Year – Stage 2
(Ideal Building Pty Ltd)

Frankie began her career with the Master Builders Pre-Apprenticeship Program and has continued to demonstrate a total dedication to her apprenticeship, company, and Master Builders training.

Due to the complex nature of the jobs undertaken, Frankie’s skillset is far beyond that of most other 2nd year apprentices. Her Host Employer Ben Crocker has remarked she goes above and beyond, has a thirst for knowledge and is a joy to work with.

Frankie is on track with her 2nd year carpentry studies, with 100% attendance and a willingness to learn which has resulted in her skill in communication, problem-solving and bright attitude making her a valued and well-respected member of her class, her team and the broader community.

“Frankie excels at work in all areas, and I have to say is the single best apprentice I’ve ever had .” Ben Crocker, Director of Ideal Building Pty Ltd.

Hannah Ipsen, Apprentice of the year – Stage 1
(Paynter Dixon Constructions Pty Limited)

Hannah has effectively demonstrated her ability to communicate and interact within a team. Her numerous strengths include pre-planning, a commitment to safety, attentiveness, time management, mindfulness, and critical thinking.

Hannah is an exemplary apprentice who has taken on multiple additional responsibilities including weekly safety process, compiling reports, record keeping and pre-planning, and she has also undertaken a first aid course.

She balances her apprenticeship and work commitments with being an active member of the community who engages in the Women on Waves Surfing competition, volunteers as a Surf Life Saver, and supports children with learning difficulties as a Student Learning Support Officer.

“Hannah has embraced this challenging environment with admirable dedication and an eagerness to learn. A team player, she proactively supports the Site Engineer and Site Manager, while also showing resilience and strength of character when faced with challenging tasks .” A spokesperson from Paynter Dixon Constructions Pty Limited.


School Leaver Apprenticeship Program

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Have you had Work experience students in the past?(Required)
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Are You a Member of Master Builders Association?(Required)

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Master Builders Programs

Thank you for your interest in our Master Builders Programs. By filling out this online form a Master Builders recruitment team member will respond within 48 hours.


This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between Master Builders Association of NSW Pty Ltd, ABN 11 074 397 532 (MBANSW) and you.

MBANSW is the registered Group Training Organisation and Apprenticeship Services arm of Master Builders Association of New South Wales, ABN 96 550 042 906 (Master Builders)

“You”, “your” and “Host Employer” refer to you, your company and business nominated in the table below.

This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between MBANSW and you.

Direct Debit Terms and Conditions

  • Your nominated account or credit card will be debited weekly for hosting a MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee.
  • The first debit to your account will occur within 7 working days of the MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee commencing their placement with your business.
  • If an invoice payment is due on a non-business day, it will be debited from your account on the following business day.
  • Host Employer account information held by MBANSW will be kept confidential. Please note that some information is provided to the MBANSW financial institution to initiate the debit to your nominated account.
  • MBANSW will give you a minimum of 14 days’ notice in writing of changes to these Terms and Conditions.
  • If you wish to make changes to this arrangement, please contact MBANSW on (02) 8586 3533.

Your responsibility in this arrangement

  • Ensure that your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this).
  • Ensure there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account on the drawing date.
  • Advise MBANSW in writing if the nominated account is transferred or closed.

Please note that if your payment is dishonoured by your financial institution, a re-draw will take place within 7 days.

Any transaction fees payable by MBANSW in respect to a dishonoured payment will be added to your account.


Please direct all enquiries to MBAS (02) 8586 3533 or;

Please include your phone and email address.

I/We authorise MBANSW to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our nominated account at the financial institution identified below.

This authority to direct debit will remain in place in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.