Keeping young people safe onsite.

According to SafeWork NSW, 15 to 25-year-old’s have a 75% greater chance of being injured at work with apprentice deaths & serious injuries peaking between 7 am and 10 am. With approximately 14% of the Australian workforce made up of workers between 15 and 24 years (Australian Bureau of Statistics), that’s up to 15 workers in this age group who are injured in NSW every day. Safety onsite for our youth and the most inexperienced on our worksites needs to be a key focus.

One of the contributing factors to workplace injuries is young and inexperienced workers being unable to recognise and cope with potential hazards. With correct training and the right systems in place, accidents can be avoided. When asked about the spike in apprentice injuries between 7 am and 10 am, Master Builders Safety Advisor and Trainer Graham Stewart had this to say “I put this down to younger workers, having body clocks that are still in stages of sleep mode. Host Employers should keep this in mind and manage the tasks accordingly,” he says. “Similarly, vehicle incidents are more likely to occur between 2 pm and 4 pm, when workers are packing up and heading home for the day.”

At Master Builders, the safety onsite of our apprentices is paramount. That’s why we have implemented a Minimum Safety Standard that all Host Employers must meet before a Master Builders Apprentice can join their team. We’ll work with our Host Employers to help them meet the safety standard and we provide this service free of charge.
As part of the Safety Service, we identify any gaps between your current safety practices and the Master Builders Minimum Safety Standard. This includes:

  • advice on legislative changes and requirements
  • templates to document safety reporting
  • access to a dedicated Safety Coordinator
  • annual safety reviews
  • continuous improvement programs
  • updates and information on safety best practices and trends

Our commitment to the safety of our apprentices doesn’t stop there. Before a Master Builders Apprentice steps foot onto a worksite we provide a range of safety training, assessments, and personal protective equipment including:

  • General Construction Induction (White Card)
  • Work Safely at Heights
  • Manual Handling
  • Safe Use of Power Tools
  • Ongoing monthly safety quizzes
  • PPE Kit including hardhat, eye protection, ear protection, and gloves
  • Regular visits and contact with a Master Builders Field Officer

Host Employers with strong safety systems are essential for giving our apprentices a good start in the construction industry, keeping them safe, and changing the culture around safety for the future. We work with our Host Employers to ensure they know their safety obligations and the additional requirements they need when taking on an apprentice including:

  • Ensuring the apprentice is supervised at all times and working safely
  • Ensuring the correct use of PPE and, making sure the apprentice participates in Toolbox Talks and signs off on SWMS.

If you need an apprentice, visit our website or call the Master Builders Apprenticeship Services on 8586 3533.


School Leaver Apprenticeship Program

Thank you for your interest in our Master Builders Programs. By filling out this online form a Master Builders recruitment team member will respond within 48 hours.

Register Your Interest to Offer Work Experience Opportunities

Type of Work(Required)
Size of Company
Do you Currently Employ Apprentices(Required)
Have you had Work experience students in the past?(Required)
Reason for your interest in work experience placements?(Required)
Preferred Time of Year(Required)
Are You a Member of Master Builders Association?(Required)

Ready to talk now?

We will get back to you within one business day

Master Builders Programs

Thank you for your interest in our Master Builders Programs. By filling out this online form a Master Builders recruitment team member will respond within 48 hours.


This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between Master Builders Association of NSW Pty Ltd, ABN 11 074 397 532 (MBANSW) and you.

MBANSW is the registered Group Training Organisation and Apprenticeship Services arm of Master Builders Association of New South Wales, ABN 96 550 042 906 (Master Builders)

“You”, “your” and “Host Employer” refer to you, your company and business nominated in the table below.

This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between MBANSW and you.

Direct Debit Terms and Conditions

  • Your nominated account or credit card will be debited weekly for hosting a MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee.
  • The first debit to your account will occur within 7 working days of the MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee commencing their placement with your business.
  • If an invoice payment is due on a non-business day, it will be debited from your account on the following business day.
  • Host Employer account information held by MBANSW will be kept confidential. Please note that some information is provided to the MBANSW financial institution to initiate the debit to your nominated account.
  • MBANSW will give you a minimum of 14 days’ notice in writing of changes to these Terms and Conditions.
  • If you wish to make changes to this arrangement, please contact MBANSW on (02) 8586 3533.

Your responsibility in this arrangement

  • Ensure that your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this).
  • Ensure there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account on the drawing date.
  • Advise MBANSW in writing if the nominated account is transferred or closed.

Please note that if your payment is dishonoured by your financial institution, a re-draw will take place within 7 days.

Any transaction fees payable by MBANSW in respect to a dishonoured payment will be added to your account.


Please direct all enquiries to MBAS (02) 8586 3533 or;

Please include your phone and email address.

I/We authorise MBANSW to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our nominated account at the financial institution identified below.

This authority to direct debit will remain in place in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.