Master Builders working together with A W Edwards to celebrate award-winning apprentice.

As a community, we love to highlight the achievements, successes, and stories of our people. That is why we are celebrating award-winning apprentices. Recently completed Carpentry Apprentice Mitchell Keogh was awarded the Pooley Downing Award at the Apprentice Employment Network (AEN) NSW & ACT Awards on Friday 13th October 2023. This is an annual award provided by the Co-operative Housing Societies Association of NSW. This award recognises outstanding commitment and achievements in the industry. Like Mitchell’s host employer A W Edwards, we could not be prouder.

How it started:

1st day of Mitchell’s apprenticeship.
1st day of Mitchell’s apprenticeship.

Mitchell has always had a passion for building, which he says was ignited when playing with Lego as a young boy. Like many in the industry, the sense of accomplishment at looking at the finished product was compelling.

How it’s going:

Leading Carpenter, onsite at the Edmondson Park North Commuter Carpark.
Leading Carpenter, onsite at the Edmondson Park North Commuter Carpark.

Fast forward a few years and Mitchell is now building the Edmondson Park North Commuter Carpark for Transport NSW. Having completed his apprenticeship with Master Builders, his Host Employer A W Edwards has now hired him as the leading Carpenter on the job.

“Out of all the apprentices we have recruited, by far Mitchell has been one of our best in recent times,” says A W Edwards Construction Manager Andrew Merchant. “He came to us through the Master Builders as a young lad in the first year of his apprenticeship. All the pre-screening and safety training was already completed. He was a great match for our business and culture. We are so proud to see how far Mitchell has come in his career and I knew we couldn’t let him go. To see him win this award meant so much to the work that we do supervising apprentices onsite”.

A W Edwards has a fantastic apprenticeship training program and embraced the idea of upskilling Mitchell with a broad range of on-site skills. The program provides him with comprehensive experience in a full suite of trades. Mitchell says,” I am so grateful for the way my apprenticeship worked out and for the skills I have been taught. I have been encouraged to keep developing my career and improving my skills. I have learned so much and do all sorts of manual work”.

For Mitchell, the very best thing about the job would have to be the friendly work environment. He says, “There is a sense of comradery. Everybody has a laugh with each other, and we are a close team. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like work, it feels like I’m hanging out with my mates. It is a positive work environment and I enjoy coming to work each morning.”


The importance of award nominations:

“By completing my Certificate III in Carpentry and my Apprenticeship, I know I made my parents proud. This was something I worked hard to achieve for four years. The support from Master Builders and A W Edwards has been great. And now I have won the Pooley Downing award for my achievements, I am excited for what my future holds”, says Mitchell.

At Master Builders, working with the industry to support our people is one of our key objectives. We support apprentices like Mitchell to achieve their career goals by working together with Host Employers. It’s important that as an industry we get behind our apprentices and put their best foot forward nominating them for these sorts of awards opportunities. Celebrating award-winning Apprentices means so much for their careers, and to their families and friends.

Celebrating award-winning Apprentice winning the Pooley Downing Award at the AEN Awards. With the team from A W Edwards. From left to right: Ben Naylor, Executive Director Rintoul; Mitchell Keogh, Carpenter; Ahmet Temur, Site Manager; and Andrew Merchant Construction Manager. 2023 Apprentice Employment Network NSW & ACT Award Winners & Media Wall, at Cockle Bay, Darling Harbour Sydney. 13 October 2023. 
Celebrating award-winning Apprentice winning the Pooley Downing Award. With the team from A W Edwards. From left to right: Ben Naylor, Executive Director Rintoul; Mitchell Keogh, Carpenter; Ahmet Temur, Site Manager; and Andrew Merchant, Construction Manager. The 2023 Apprentice Employment Network NSW & ACT Award Winners & at Cockle Bay, Darling Harbour Sydney. 13 October 2023.

School Leaver Apprenticeship Program

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Master Builders Programs

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This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between Master Builders Association of NSW Pty Ltd, ABN 11 074 397 532 (MBANSW) and you.

MBANSW is the registered Group Training Organisation and Apprenticeship Services arm of Master Builders Association of New South Wales, ABN 96 550 042 906 (Master Builders)

“You”, “your” and “Host Employer” refer to you, your company and business nominated in the table below.

This document outlines the direct debit arrangements between MBANSW and you.

Direct Debit Terms and Conditions

  • Your nominated account or credit card will be debited weekly for hosting a MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee.
  • The first debit to your account will occur within 7 working days of the MBAS or MBAS+ apprentice or trainee commencing their placement with your business.
  • If an invoice payment is due on a non-business day, it will be debited from your account on the following business day.
  • Host Employer account information held by MBANSW will be kept confidential. Please note that some information is provided to the MBANSW financial institution to initiate the debit to your nominated account.
  • MBANSW will give you a minimum of 14 days’ notice in writing of changes to these Terms and Conditions.
  • If you wish to make changes to this arrangement, please contact MBANSW on (02) 8586 3533.

Your responsibility in this arrangement

  • Ensure that your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this).
  • Ensure there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account on the drawing date.
  • Advise MBANSW in writing if the nominated account is transferred or closed.

Please note that if your payment is dishonoured by your financial institution, a re-draw will take place within 7 days.

Any transaction fees payable by MBANSW in respect to a dishonoured payment will be added to your account.


Please direct all enquiries to MBAS (02) 8586 3533 or;

Please include your phone and email address.

I/We authorise MBANSW to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our nominated account at the financial institution identified below.

This authority to direct debit will remain in place in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.